Today marks six months since the idea of the thika live blog was started..Seems like yesterday that I toyed with the idea of starting a small platform where I would write about the nice things that happen in my home town. From the early days in Biafra Estate, Thika has really changed and still remains the same on some fronts. Like this cool place at Blue Post Hotel

There are differences here and there like we used to run to the stadium to watch KTM (Kenya Textile Mills) which was then the local team playing in the central nationwide league, nowadays we have Thika United at position six in the national premier league. Section 9 used to be the posh estate, nowadays we have gated communities coming up in Thika like Bahati Ridge along the Thika Gatanga Road
Thika tanning used to be the only air pollutant, nowadays we have Bidco which positively employs more than 500 locals. I can go on and on but the fact remains, Thika is a nice place.
Over the last six months we have showcased just a fraction of what Thika has to offer with the economic rise being the most visible part. We have had discussions on the local economy ranging from the supermarkets, clubs, hospitals, hotels and colleges. We have had one on ones with Thika most popular and loved hand artist BujuSanii, an interview with Thika top hypheman MC Vizzy. Dj Chacha, Denno the artist and MKU Student President Martin Martinae have also graced our wall. Thika Live has also had the privilege of covering different economic and social events including the successful Thika Homes Expo sponsored by real estate firm GreenBuck consult, the PCEA mass for the Tanzania accident victims, the road safety initiative by the Thika Red cross and numerous events in Thika colleges. We have also showcased different businesses by young entrepreneurs and attended different government functions.

To our readers and followers we feel that its important we give you a performance report to emphasize that the blog is dedicated to showcasing Thika to the entire world in ways that have never been seen before. That has been successful with thika live enjoying more than 18,000 views in the six months. Quarter of these views originate from the Diaspora with more views from USA and UK alone. Its great to note that we had a diaspora following who call appreciating our content since it reminds them of their childhoods in Thika. Thanks for the likes on
Facebook, those who follow us via
twitter and the lovers of our art on
Blogging is nice idea which you should try out. Either entertainment blogs, informative, business or just personal. Blogs are a great way of expressing your idea and creating a platform where you can share your ideas with the online audience. Its free and very flexible to start one..If you want to create a brand, start with a blog.
In the coming days
thika live will have great posts which you should check out. You all wonder where Christina Gardens opposite Thika Municipal Council derived its name from?..well that post is on the way. For any assistance or communication, you are always welcome in our offices at Clairbourn Plaza Thika, 2rd floor
For now lets part with a great quote from Henry Thoreau..
a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single
thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical
path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think
over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.