
Thursday 19 July 2012

How to prevent Diabetes

Which is the best asset you have? AM REALLY ASKING THAT? Maybe its that posh home, that brand new Toyota Camry you recently acquired, your plum job with a five figure salary or even that beautiful wife you recently wedded..Yes to some thats an asset..But how many out there consider good health a good asset. How many times do you climb those stairs to the 14 floor without flinching a muscle, or how many times do you take that 8th beer while still maintaining that straight posture(sounds familiar). Well not many people are blessed with such good health

Today we are delving into some health issues and we are talking about a disease whose prevalence has doubled in the last 3 years. Few years ago it was considered a disease of the rich and the elderly. But all that has changed since there are 5 years old, teenagers and young adults living with the condition. Its a manageable disease but over time if not checked properly can lead to kidney failure, nerve breakdowns, fatal strokes, coronary heart diseases, foot complications that eventually lead to amputations,hypertension,erectile dysfunction(that sounds bad), hearing loss and the list is endless.
Well my friends we are talking about Diabetes. As i was growing up, I could only connect Diabetes to old folks but since i saw a young high school student in a certain seminar injecting herself with insulin,the reality of diabetes to the young generation dawned on me.
Just a background check, on diabetes and its important facts.
Well, there are different types of diabetes but Diabetes mellitus has the largest prevalence in Kenya and the world at large. Check this, there are around 1.5 million Kenyans living with Diabetes, with Diabetes Mellitus accounting for more than 85% of the cases. Type 1 Diabetes is caused by lack of insulin and that's the reason its called the insulin dependent Diabetes. Patients in this group account for 10% of the cases and they constantly ensure their blood glucose is on level by injecting themselves with insulin. Type 2 Diabetes is the most common. In this case the body's production of insulin is inadequate or the body cells entirely becomes resistant to the insulin produced. Hear this, obese and overweight individuals stand a higher chance of getting Diabetes 2. This disease is progressive and eventually the patient will be forced to take insulin tablets. As you become more overweight and you reduce physical exercise then your chances of getting Diabettes rises.Gestational Diabetes usually affects expectant women whereby the insulin is inadequate to break down and transport glucose to their child and ones cells. Women whose diet is composed of cholesterol and fatty foods stand a high chances of getting this condition.
Some of the symptoms that can point to Diabetes include constant trips to the washroom. In this case, insulin production is insufficient. This means that your kidneys will be unable to filter glucose and with time they become overworked, which means that your bladder retains a lot of urine leading to that urge to visit the washroom constanlty. If lately you have been having an unending thirst which after gulping litres of water you cant control then you should be alarmed. If you are running constantly to urinate it means that your body is becoming more dehydrated and you need to replace the water lost through constant gulping of water.That expalins the unending thirst.

Hi ladies out there, if you are loosing a lot of weight without even trying then go for a test. You could be having Diabetes 1, In this case as the body is not producing enough insulin, the cells get starved of glucose and this deficiency causes the body to start breaking down its own cells and stored fats for that vital glucose. This breakdown of reserves causes reduction in body mass and well, weight loss.
Complete cures for Diabetes are not yet known but the disease can easily be controlled. To avoid Diabetes getting to the chronic stage with the fatal complications like strokes, amputaions and coronary attacks, then simple preventive measures are encouraged.
Neuropathy my friends is another symptom whereby  high glucose levels in the body cause destruction of the nervous system. Nerve damage is exhibited in numbness and feeling ticklish on the feet, legs and hands. If you obey the ticklish feeling and scratch the place, then wounds develop which entirely never heal and can lead to amputation.
But how do we prevent Diabetes
Regular and active exercise is key in preventing diabetes. That 30 minute walk from town in the evening is enough. Many of us will only walk from work only when the fare does not add up..REALLY? And how do we spend our Sunday afternoons, watching a series from 1 pm up to 5.30 pm and then switch to Citizen TV to watch the Wedding Show..and pap your weekend is gone..Well my friend you could be courting Diabetes. A morning jog or a constant visit to the gym will do you more good than harm.

Poor diet,poor diet and more poor diet. Sometime back i used to work in a place where lunch was never complete without half a kilo of nyama choma. Many of you will bear me witness that for many Kenyans having nyama choma from monday to sunday is considered prestigious. Well a ceratin doctor called them the educated Kenyan fools..why ? because he argued that many of them understand well the dangers of half cooked red meat and cholesterol to their bodies and still go on feasting on nyam chom..Once a week aint bad that's why medics recommend 500g per week..nusu kilo tuu!!!
My lady friends, if you want stay away from Diabetes avoid those heavy carbs..those sugarly chocolates and cakes are only sweet at the moment but the minute your sugar levels are bursting the ceiling then you will wish you never had them. This is open knowledge but still many of us take it lightly, once or twice a week is ok but with the morning tea and a kilo as you pass by Bakers Inn along Tom Mboya aint funny.
Eating high fiber materials, vegetables,salads and fruits is very important if you want Diabetes to stay at bay. Fibres are very crucial in lowering the body natural glucose level. You may ask why ?.. During digestion fibres work to reduce the processing of the body carbohydrates.
Its worth mentioning that prevention of Diabetes is all about lifestyle change, less nyama choma, a bit of exercise, less processed sugars and more fibres.FULL STOP
As we pursue our dreams and assets lets us not forget about our health.
Have yourself a sugarless day and reduce that nyama coma intake...its much better that way.
images courtesy of Google


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