A month ago I was talking to a friend who happens to be a klub owner in Westlands about the challenges of the industry and the latest trends in Kenya. Five minutes into the conversation the subject of Thika Town had cropped up. As the conversation proceeded we had talked about the emergence of Thika as the new business frontier in Kenya. Entertainment is a vital part of every economy. Surprisingly my friend knew all the entertainment spots in Thika. A random check around Thika during the day gives the impression that Thika is quite an silent and sleeping giant.

All these suddenly change at 6.30 pm. You will see groups of people heading to joints for coffee and light beer. Some would expect this to end at 9.00pm but my friend you are in for a big shock. That's when the beehive of activities begins. From any area around Town you will be treated to reverberating music coming from different corners which were rather quite during the day. The Tuskys Chania area that is rather peaceful during the day suddenly changes with dozens of Toyota cars competing for parking space. Friends welcome to Thika Nightlife.
Different clubs of repute exists with variations in terms of clientele. Frankly speaking the competition is high to extents that different clubs have different events daily with the main aim being to consolidate their fan base.
Klub Porkiez which is one the pioneers of this entertainment craze leads the way with a massive crowd and following as evident in its Facebook page that has more than 13,000 members. Matter of fact the Porkiez following in Thika can translate into a movement as seen in its last Friday's Porkiez Divas competition

The urban following in Porkiez has been cultivated over the years and the club remains the top dog to beat in terms of klub entertainment in the Kiambu County.
Although Zinc has a following especially among college students in Thika, it has relatively gone silent over the past few months. When it stepped into the domain it caused shrivels in Thika but it is yet to replicate its initial form. Coincidentally the pub remains full during the weekends. The story is the same with Thorntons which has remained a household name for the last five years with its own crowd that still frequent there even with new klubs emerging . Klub Leos located near Cascades hotel is one place that is always full from monday to sunday.

Its strategic location near the busiest town in Thika does it more good than harm in terms of attracting revellers.
Although college students and the urban population in the 18-26 age bracket remain the majority party goers in Thika, there exist an adult population mainly made of the working class. This age spreads to the 50s who to be sincere, are quite active at night. This clientele is the majority customer base for the Brown Bottle, Cocobase and Everton clubs along the Thika Garissa Highway. Brown Bottle opposite the National Bank and few blocks from the Tuskys Chania is the most popular of the three and is a darling to the working and mature class that is less concerned with the modern day hyphe. Last time I was there they had a great service and music flow, though am also quite laid back.
The entertainment industry in Thika has however being transformed with the entry of Klub Image Thika. Well, honestly this is the big deal for the last 2 months after its official launch and only time can tell if it can maintain the attraction. Although many of the Klubs are situated in rented premises with one or two floors, Klub Image is out of this world. When i first visited the place I couldn't help but marvel at the three floors of entertained tailor made for different clients but all in the same premises.
They have a VIP lounge, a dining area, a discotheque and DJ mixes spread out in floors. Its romoured the posh Klub and Mathai supermarket are owned by the same person. If architectural design, class, space and appeal are to be considered then Klub Image is the leader in Thika. However design and class just attracts but to transform that into popularity and sales is what entertainment is all about. Well only time will tell.
There are exists other nice joints but to be frank the one highlighted above are the main leaders. If you would hope to meet with your 50 to 60 year old drunkard uncle then there the adult joints for the 50 to 70s. Rwambogo, Fulilia, Sky Motel, Brilliant and Sunset Bar are well tucked in Thika Town serving the senior citizens.
That is our entertainment industry which is just an image of the economic growth in Thika. Realistically, entertainment is slowly becoming a crucial part of the economy in Thika.