
Thursday 27 September 2012

The wrath of a loose tongue..Ferdinand Waititu

This post will be a short one. This is because we have taken some strides as a country which have enabled us to move past some of our past misgivings.
Which tribe do you belong to???
 This is a question that has brought us many problems in the past. Though the tension is not yet completely diffused, we now have a better view of how to behave when it comes to tribes. We (by we, I mean KENYANS) have come to a better understanding that we all belong to one country. Despite all the differences in ideologies, beliefs and cultures, we are one. No matter how much we fight, we will always be united by one factor: being Kenyan.
In order to clear the previous tensions, we went on and created a Constitution, one so powerful that we are sometimes afraid of following what it says. One that deeply and clearly condemns all kinds of tribalism. One that, more importantly states clearly the consequences of hate speech or incitement.
One that has seen one too many politicians in the dock for these crimes.
A constitution that does not consider one's power or position.

So, what do we do when one Hon. Ferdinand Waititu goes against our Constitution. When he blatantly goes against what we are standing for as Kenyans. When he goes as far as saying that the Maasai people should be chased out of Kayole??
Has he forgotten all about the IDP's???All about how Kikuyu's were chased away from Eldoret??All about the killings, the fighting, the burnt churches, the tears??
Has Waititu really forgotten??

So what do we do about it!!
For me, the answer is simple, follow the Constitution!!!

1 comment:

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