
Friday 28 September 2012

Chacha the Veejay: The Deejay with the Golden Finger

Entertainment has really come a long way. Long are the days when the only source of entertainment was KBC radio. We would eagerly wait for radio programs and then huddle around the radio as the presenter  recounted stories.  The radio were powered by Eveready batteries or more cheaper ones like Tiger which would get swollen after few days. Most of us remember placing the batteries on roof tops and collecting them in the evening..They would play for a few hours then we would literary squeeze or beat them to extract all the power inside. Seems like yesterday.

I then would hear of discos in  from my high school classmates who came from Nairobi..They recounted adventures in F2 which, although I was afraid of asking what the initials meant, a friend with whom we shared the lack of knowledge, overhead somewhere that it meant Florida 2000. "They" said that music was mixed by some DJs what I later learnt was a short form for Disc Jockey....Fast forward to 2002 when I managed to go for my first rave and had a one on one experience with a DJ..It was at Club Cascades in Blue Post and I was in Form Three during the school holidays..The manner in which the dread-locked Dj played with the plates (LPs) to produce synchronized music with occasional stops of chik chik sounds. Club Cascades was a haven to many teenagers and that's where I first met Wilson Mwago Wamaitha
Years flew and I later met Wilson..I was in this entertainment spot in Thika with a couple of my work mates. The DJ mixes were off the hook and within minutes everyone had trooped to the dance floor. Fact being, the tracks were on point and we later realized we had danced for hours when some guys started shoving one another. I made a point of asking around about the DJ and that's when I got a rude shock..It was the same Wilson Mwago from back in the day now having the title of Chacha the Veejay a.k.a the DJ with the golden finger. I  learnt from fellow Djs that he was the undisputed Reggae Dj in Thika with a Reggae Night at Klub Porkiez.
Fortunately I tracked him to answer some questions which form this month's interview segment of Sons of Thika who fly our town's flag high.
So Boss Wilson Mwago Wamaitha, where did you get the name Chacha the Veejay
My grandfather who am named after was also called Macharia, so folks from my estate shortened the name to Chacha.
So you never adopted this name when you got into the entertainment industry.
I have had the name since I was a kid, and never had reasons to drop. I felt it was also a good stage name.
Being a Deejay why not call yourself DJ Chacha
DJ is too common and technically there is a difference between the two. Guys just play some mixes using some basic soft wares from the comfort of their homes with no audiences and then call themselves Djs.
Just give me a brief on your journey to becoming Chacha the Veejay
Well, I started from Cascades as an MC. Cascade is the starting point for many artists in Thika the same way F1 and F2 was the starting point for many Nairobi musicians. Thats where I learnt the ropes. Matter of fact I never went to any deejay school for any training. I worked under the wings of DJ Pawe who has given me unlimited support and I owe a lot to him.
Later around 2007, I worked at the then famous Thornton as a DJ. I also worked at Tamasha in Hurlingham where I had the opportunity of sharing the decks with DJ Gich Boy. In 2009 I came to Thika where i joined Klub Porkiez. I have since remained at Porkiez although I occasionally travel as a visiting DJ.
Where have these journeys taken you.
I have entertained at Klub Capital in Uganda where the reception was massive. I entertained at the famous Camel Derby which is a big event in the tourism circles held in Maralal.
Wait a minute,you have now started talking of entertaining..
I prefer calling myself an entertainer. An entertainer literally entertains which basically is what you are hired to do. I desist from just giving flat mixes which may drive your clients to boredom in few minutes. Thats why i derive a lot of inspiration from DJ Kaytrixx. I entertain and that is why you will also find me doubling up as an MC. If you fail in that, then you will be remembered as the DJ who drove people out of the club. If you entertain,everyone is happy..the clients,the boss and Deejay unit.
I heard you were at Homeboyz a week ago
Yep. I was there on Sunday and felt great doing my thing on Radio. The experience with Mfalme Nelly was unforgettable and was glad my fans were listening to me. When it comes to Radio, its the ultimate thing entertaining the national audience. I also did a Friday Night show at the former Metro FM with Dj Stano.
Would it be right to say you are more of a Reggae DJ
Veejay Chacha is an all round DJ..The reason why many people associate Chacha with Reggae and Dancehall is because of my Sunday Reggae Nights at Klub Porkiez. Additionally Reggae and Dancehall are very popular in Kenya.
So, can I call you the Deejay with the Golden Finger
Yes you can..I never gave myself the title.
Where did the title come from
It came from my good friend Junior Delgado
Tell me something about Big Yard Entertainment
That is the name of my entertainment unit. As a deejay and an entertainer, unity is very paramount and that is our main failure as Djs. To survive in any position you need to have people you can rely on. I work with MC Junior Delgado and some other upcoming deejays we are grooming.
What are your dreams for Big Yard Entertainment
We are currently planning a Deejay Academy which will offer training to upcoming deejays in Thika and its environs.
How is it working at Porkiez
Porkiez is my home and I love working there. My fellow Djs make the best team and they make working as Dj to be utmost fun. Deejays Chizzy, Yard, Dj Drogba, Luvy Dee and DJ Jojez make a great team. Porkiez has been my home and I owe a lot to the MD Shakie Wainaina who I even worked for before I became a DJ.
So what determines a successful deejay
First it has to be the manner in which you relate with the audience through the music you play. Many people leave the comfort of their homes to get entertained and if you fail to deliver on that they will go elsewhere. A successful DJ is all about your outlook, both on the decks and as a person. Contrary to many beliefs being a DJ is all about discipline. Although you are entertaining you are still working..If you blend that with being conversant with what is happening in the industry then you are good.
So Deejaying pays
Yes, it pays and I never regret becoming a DJ. Challenges are there but Deejaying is satisfying especially when you are doing it with a passion.
I rarely hear of a daytime Deejay, how does working at night affect your personal life.
Its rarely a bother because am used to it. It doesn't affect my personal life as long as I get some good sleeping hours the next day. In most cases, you will have breaks after Deejaying sessions and you can as well take a nap.
Its believed that Deejays and entertainers are all players with dozens of girlfriends..
Thats a big misconception. You see, as a DJ you are in the limelight and you are prone to a lot of publicity. You will always receive a lot of attention but basically it narrows down to your personality.
Any special lady out there
Yes, she is very understanding of my work and as well supportive.
So, whats is the next big project
We are planning on a All Stars Djs session where all Djs working under Porkiez will come together for a non stop music mix..Plans are underway and it will be the off the hook.
As we finish, give me 3 words that describe Chacha the Veejay
Chacha the Veejay is simple, social and very passionate about his work.

There we have him, Wilson Mwago Wamaitha aka Chacha the Veejay.. He is among the resident Djs at Klub Porkiez and you will get a entertainment treat from him every Thursday during the Bubble Up Thursday, Hype Friday and every Sunday Night.

From Thika Live, its PEACE

Thursday 27 September 2012

The wrath of a loose tongue..Ferdinand Waititu

This post will be a short one. This is because we have taken some strides as a country which have enabled us to move past some of our past misgivings.
Which tribe do you belong to???
 This is a question that has brought us many problems in the past. Though the tension is not yet completely diffused, we now have a better view of how to behave when it comes to tribes. We (by we, I mean KENYANS) have come to a better understanding that we all belong to one country. Despite all the differences in ideologies, beliefs and cultures, we are one. No matter how much we fight, we will always be united by one factor: being Kenyan.
In order to clear the previous tensions, we went on and created a Constitution, one so powerful that we are sometimes afraid of following what it says. One that deeply and clearly condemns all kinds of tribalism. One that, more importantly states clearly the consequences of hate speech or incitement.
One that has seen one too many politicians in the dock for these crimes.
A constitution that does not consider one's power or position.

So, what do we do when one Hon. Ferdinand Waititu goes against our Constitution. When he blatantly goes against what we are standing for as Kenyans. When he goes as far as saying that the Maasai people should be chased out of Kayole??
Has he forgotten all about the IDP's???All about how Kikuyu's were chased away from Eldoret??All about the killings, the fighting, the burnt churches, the tears??
Has Waititu really forgotten??

So what do we do about it!!
For me, the answer is simple, follow the Constitution!!!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

What is Love : Ask me....

We get very depressed.. ..We seek consolation from different specialists,we turn to junk food, we try motivational movies and the last resort we turn to is the bottle or worse the ARV laced spirits. Just to seek one feeling..FEEL LOVED.. All manner of self gratifications that humans engage in have all been proved to be in self pursuit of Love. Love in the home, workplace, family or from your friends. Reminds me, the best selling movies have always been ebbed on Love. Look at the the Titanic, the Love story that became a tragedy. Thinking of my favourite musicians,no matter how hardcore they are they try to be they always spare a song here and there for Love.
Walking on the streets of Thika, I cant help but amaze at those who wait and directly benefit from Love. There are love birds strewn on the lawns of Christina Wangari gardens (reminds I need to tell you about the origin of this garden). There are children playing under the watchful eye of their parents, the kids being as a result of a certain love tale between mum and dad. There is area near Macvast hotel where they sell red roses and they are a real gem in this part of town. I was talking to this nice friend of mine who is thinking of opening a chocolate shop to reap the universal benefits that come with people falling in love.

You are wondering what hit me today..It aint valentine but I was thinking about the people who yearn for Love but never get it. Maybe some feel they don't deserve it, they are too downtrodden for anyone to give them love..or we don't even realize they need it. Thika Town and the Thika environs has numerous groups of people who we need to share Love with. Love is one critical part of life. Its the same line with oxygen.  Many of us believe that Love just happens,that is the biggest lie. Love is given out and shared without expecting anything in return.
 I will just give you areas in Thika where your Love is needed and where it would change lives. When you put a smile in someone life, the radiance in their face will also shine in your heart. There is this kid I visited at the Joy-town School for the Physically Handicapped, friends,this was a heart warming experience. To see these 5 to 10 year olds smiling and playing with me was heartwarming, mind you these kids were limbless and with weak hands that can't hold anything. The smile in their faces betraying this incapacitation. Just a few hours with these kids will show you the power of love.
Due to the pop culture brought by westernization, the concept of love has been changed. Nowadays many people believe Love has to be in form of a gift or something that involves money or some items. Long gone are the days that we could visit our friends, grandparents or families with nothing but still get unlimited love from them. The next weekend you visit your mum,small sister or girlfriend, try going empty handed.. Am sure there will be a broken heart somewhere. Thats the main reason why we constantly deny our friends, families, neighbors or fellow Kenyans Love because we believe we don't have the financial glue to hold the Love..Inconsequential..Just get out of your way, make a hearty call to your old friend, just visit the bedridden neighbor and when your are financial affairs are sorted, you will definitely buy them that gift. For now just show them Love,its priceless, but it can change a life.
I later met this Joy-town kids during a public holiday celebration at the Thika National stadium. This time there were some rehabilitated street kids, students from the Thika School for the Blind and others from some Children Homes in Thika. Love was shared every time the children went to the dais to entertain the guests and this gave many the priceless chance to share and interact with these lovely angels.

Every time you meet a depressed person, know one thing for fact, Love has been denied somewhere. Every time you get a smile on the street, smile back for someone is sharing the love is in their hearts. Take the love wholeheartedly, for you never know when you will need it.
Have a lovely Evening

pictures courtesy of Google
pictures courtesy of Google

Monday 24 September 2012

Chacha the Veejay big interview on Thika Live.

Chacha the Veejay will grace Thika Live on Friday the 28th September on the BIG INTERVIEW. Chill out for a vivid encounter the with the talented and fine Veejay.

Thika's finest and most respected entertainer, DJ Chacha the Veejay will grace the Thika Live wall this friday on a one on one . Well check out this blog on Friday at  Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more of this insightful interview. peace

End to the teachers strike :How does this affect you as a mwananchi

The Battle of the Titans came to a halt yesterday ending 3 grueling weeks for the entire education sector. Well, the snag caused by the teachers strike has been an explosive issue with people taking different sides. Personally it has been good fodder for a healthy argument between me and my wife. For one, her parents are teachers and she was feeling that the teachers have always been taken for a roller coaster and they fully deserved the pay. On the other end, I felt that the timing of the strike was wrong though the teacher's cry was justified. Well, after consultations the Finance Minister in a striped shirt and a leather jacket meet KNUT officials lead by Mr Wilson Sossion, where he gave the government's offer which Sossion and company embraced waiting for the teachers NEC, which is the body that will call off the strike.
But we all know, with or without the NEC, the strike is over. To be frank, that 13.54 billion lump sum is better than nothing. For the government it saves the country the industrial strife that had gripped the country for the last 3 weeks. The lowest paid teacher will take home between Kshs19,000 from Kshs 13,000. The highest will earn 144,928. For my teacher friends, congratulations for the fight though it involved the common collateral damage in form of our poor candidates. I honestly believe that our teachers know the perfect ingredients for exams success and they will apply the same to the candidates, the 3 weeks loss  notwithstanding. Additionally they are fully motivated and they have no reason to fail in that.
On the upside from an economic sense, I understand a common fact that could be unknown to many. The 13.5 Billion will have some repercussions which, while embracing the teachers pay hike, we should all be prepared to face.. For one, the government through De la Ru will not mint the 13.5 billion. The money will have to come from somewhere. With the budget allocations already made, the money to sustain the lump sum payment to the teachers will be carved from the development allocations, the national recurring budget, local and global borrowing and if worst come to worst, through taxes.

Before the budget allocations are done all government departments present budget allocations which the exchequer foots in the subsequent budget. On the other hand recurrent expenditure are the expenditure that occur after the existing expenditure for that financial year are made. This is one of the probable avenues through which the government will raise the teachers pay off. Its also probable that the government may borrow the money in quick needed arrangements with either local or international lenders. These loans are never free of charge which means the government will refund back the money plus interest.

The government will probably increases taxes to finance the teachers deal which could come in form of raised VAT, Custom Duty, Excise Duty and lastly Income taxes which is the bracket that most of us fit in. Due to the belief that Kenyans are the highest taxed people in the world, the government will obviously not increase peoples taxes, especially considering this is an election year. So where am I heading to? .Custom and Excise duty will be the next stop where taxes paid by importers and exports maybe raised by a few units. These few units will be translated into prices for this goods since the importers have margins to settle. In the long commodity prices will get high.

These counter effects resulting from the pay off and the others that may follow should provide a platform for the government to enact measures that should insulate the local mwananchi. Coincidentally, the rise could boost some sectors of the economy since teachers have proved to be avid farmers, traders and consumers but its important the entire public is protected from the effects of the resultant bubble effect.

As the week starts off, I hope the fortunes of the students will be doubled with the return of the highly motivated teachers. Steps should also be introduced to harmonize the salaries of other groups in parallelism with all civil servants to avoid such industrial actions. I pray such a formula be reached for our doctors and nurses.
Finally, the are calls for Mr Sossion the public face of the teachers union to vie for an elective seat. His popularity with teachers is sky high and with their large numbers, Sossion could be sitting on a goldmine. Good Luck Mr Sossion

pictures courtesy of Google

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Fourteen Falls Thika :Outdoor fun,the Thika way.

When was the last time you took some time for yourself..or your family,just to enjoy and have a nice time. Am not talking of the occasional drink outs, the pilau filled weddings or the normal bashes you have at your workplace when the company records super-normal profits..No,,you are not getting me. Am talking of a nature outing where you take the whole day sampling the best that nature provides. The town air is always filled with pollutants which we should escape from time after time. Thika has dozens of places to unwind. The tragic part being, many of us never take the initiative of discovering these places. Matter of fact most of the visitors are foreign tourists and some local families.

Internationally. the Fourteen Falls are the most famous falls in Thika. Foreign tourists have dedicated blog posts and articles to the experience they had in Fourteen Falls. Fourteen Falls are located around 65 Km from Nairobi and less than 15 Km from Thika Town along the Thika Garissa Highway. The falls overlooks the famous Kilimambogo Hill that is visible from all the areas along the Thika Super Highway. The Falls are near the border between Thika and Machakos Districts. The name originates from the 14 successive falls filled with thousands of litres of water that make up the Athi River. The fast flowing water pounds more than 25 meters into the large pool at the base of the fall. The loud thundering sound is heard kilometers away which makes the experience unforgettable.
Local guides provide action by jumping more than 25 meters from the top of the falls to the bottom pools. You cant help but hold your breath as they plunge through thin air into the swelling pool. It just takes pure courage, experience and nuts. To be honest, when it comes to jumping into a fall, i have none of the three traits. Fourteen Falls is surrounded by a beautiful scenery of plants and vegetation. The flora is out of this world which makes the place a darling to hundreds of tourists each year. Coupled with bird watching, boat expeditions and photography then the place becomes a candidate for fun and adventure. The scenery is wonderful for group expeditions, team building and the occasional romantic getaway.

Overlooking the falls lies the Hill of the Buffaloes popularly known as Kilimambogo. The Hill derives its name from the hundreds of Buffaloes that lived and are still found in the area. The Hills are also home to the graves of the family of Sir Macmillan. Sir Macmillan was a famous philanthropist who lived on the foot of the Hills. He made the Hills internationally known when he hosted the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and US president Roosevelt. The Hills are home to buffaloes,baboon,zebras and other wild animals.
There are local traders who offer affordable services like photography, curios and fruits like the fresh and sweet pineapples. To make the experience worthwhile you can hire local guides who will take you to the most appealing spots. They charge affordable fees for this ranging from Kshs150( $1.8) to Kshs 300( $3.5).

If you are brave enough to take a swim in the river, then Fourteen Falls would be the ideal place.
If you are planning a get away, it would be advisable you put Thika Fourteen Falls on your radar. Its a great place and you will have a refreshing experience. For those willing to spend the night you will find great lodges like Fourteen Falls Lodge near the falls at affordable rates.
Good Luck as you plan to visit the Fourteen Fall

Photos courtesy of Google

Monday 17 September 2012

Thika united doing Thika proud

Our home team has done us proud,all over again. The Brookside improved their home record by thrashing P Rangers FC 4 goals to nil. The match came with critics speculating that Thika United's rise to the top was just short lived and would soon come to an end. Over the months, our home record has been wanting especially after suffering thrashings at the hands of Sofapaka, AFC Leopards and Gor Mahia at the beginning of the 2012 season.

With Clifford Miheso missing the game, Thika strike force would be headed by the super Moses Arita and he never disappointed..Thika flood of goals came from Moses Arita,Wycliffe Opondo,Kennedy Otieno and Freeman Mulbah. This means that Thika United are fourth in the standings with 42 points. The point is clear that Thika United has broken ranks with the middle table teams and we are now competing with the old boys.

Among the people who graced the match was Harambee Stars coach Henri Michael. At the end Thika United had the last laugh and the morale is seemingly high in the team as we head to Awendo  for a duel with Sony Sugar. I call that game, the Chai derby...Brookside Milk + Sony Sugar.
Its kudos to Thika United and a thumb ups to Coach Kamah.

Friday 14 September 2012

Print media Journalism Attachment

A media firm in Thika Town wishes to offer positions for attachment to willing students wishing to work part time. The attachment is on the print arm of the firm which will be publishing magazines and weekly advertorials. The preferred individuals will be working with the editorial and marketing team and will assist in editing articles with particular focus on accuracy and analysis. This project provides an ideal platform for creativity, cultivating and sharpening ones journalism skills.

Required Qualifications
-Currently enrolled or completed a course in print journalism, online journalism, mass communication.
-Good understanding of magazine journalism
-Thorough knowledge of information gathering,processing and conveyance
-Excellent knowledge and skills in social media interactions.

The attachees will be working under a team of equally able and dedicated members which provides a great platform for the much needed experience.

Applications and curriculum vitae can be sent via or delivered manually to Thika Live office at Clairbourn Towers opposite Alisa Plaza, Thika Town 2rd floor Room B4 on or before Tuesday 18th September 2012.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Number of street children in Thika Town on the rise..

In the last three months Thika Town has seen an influx of street children whose numbers are increasing day after day. Three months ago Thika Live through a post titled "Niaje aunti smart,the case of the the Thika Street Kid and Afcic" highlighted the issue of street children in Thika Town. It noted then that the number of street children had considerably gone down. However, the statistics have inter changed. Nearly every corner in the town will have a group of street kids sniffing glue, shouting obscenities or rummaging through the bins.

Come evening, the area outside Tabby House near the Council clock is inhabited by families of street children. Few months ago, the then few street urchins were only found in the lower town area near the main bus park but of late they have migrated in large droves to the main town. To make matters worse, most of the street kids are no longer small boys and girls but grown up teenagers.
Although the problem of street kids is a normalcy in many Kenyan towns, the current scenario in Thika Town is unpleasant and one that needs a fast response. The effects of this invasion of street children into any town is always a security problem. They are our brothers and sisters but when this grown up street children confront anyone especially the ladies its never a good experience. I was shocked the other day to notice a street child near Kassmart Supermarket pouring milk on the ground all because he wanted money but the friendly Kenyan gave him milk instead. Talk of arrogance. There was this song, decades ago by Them Mushrooms where the singer was pleading with people to stop giving chokoras money but instead help in their rehabilitation. Well, the trend has already caught up with us and the open arrogance from this street kids shows it all.

Majority of the street kids in Thika originate from the neighboring Kiandutu slums. In the past you could see them trooping back to the slums in the evening but nowadays the allure of town life is too much that they prefer to spend the nights in town. The vibrant Thika night life supports them since the town is always full of hawkers at night. The current teachers strike is not making things any better. Many of the street kids who leave the town when school opens have been forced to extend their stay in the Town aggravating this menace.

It is imperative that concerned authorities step in to help curtail this menace before it erupts into a disaster. Thika Town is experiencing an educational and investment boom. However its under threat since in the long run, these street kids will starting engaging in petty misdemeanors like pick pocketing, vandalism of parked vehicles side mirrors and wheel caps and harassing women. My argument being, the street kids are not taking goods(read food stuffs) and if they do, they will pour or throw them as you sadly watch..They insist on being given money and for your information they never take one bob..the minimum is five bob( they nowadays have minimums)
Being already dependent on this money hand outs, you can then imagine what happens when they run short of cash..they turn bad,,REALLY BAD

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Blackout in Thika Town

Thika town is on an electricity blackout which is expected to last till evening. The blackout is due to an upgrade of the electricity infrastructure that has been ongoing for the last few months. The upgrade is meant to replace the old wooden posts that have been in use since time in memorial.

Kenya power technicians and independent contractors are hosting new power lines onto the new moulden concrete posts that are more long lasting and less susceptible to bad weather and vandalism.
Many businesses are still running expect for small SMEs that have no back up electricity. However, this is good news since the new lines mean less interruptions which in the long run is good for business.

This has started me guessing of other alternative sources of energy like solar and wind. The newest trend in the real estate is the use of modern solar panels that have the capability of heating,lighting and sustaining consumer needs. Solar panels offer a great alternative that is cost reductive offering electricity users a new level of independence. The constant stresses over electricity bill are greatly reduced.
Sunlight is always free here in Kenya and its tapping into usable energy would be greatly welcomed..
With that small post about energy lets all have a wonderful day.

pictures courtsey of google

Monday 10 September 2012

The teacher's strike: Time for action

More than 280,0000 teachers in Kenya have for the past week been on strike. I have followed the action for the last two weeks and the affair that at first was deemed of minimal consideration has completely paralyzed learning in schools. The blame game is in full gear and the test of egos between the government and the teacher's officials is in taking shape as neither of the two sides want to recede ground. The teachers strike is sending mixed feelings here in Thika. For one the teachers in Thika are solidly conjoined with the national body assertion that no teachers should step into class until their demands are fully meant. On the other hand a lot of people feel that the 300% demanded by the teachers can only be supported by a world super power economy and not by a developing country like Kenya.

15 years ago, the then government headed by President Moi and represented on the table by Joseph Kamotho penned an agreement that would see the teacher awarded a 300% hike on their salary. The current teacher strike derives its cause from the agreement that the was never honored by the then and current governments. Thats why the teachers feel they have a genuine and justified reason to down the chalk and hit the streets singing trade unionist songs that have become a darling of striking Kenyan workers.

Are the teachers justified to go on strike?
A large part of the public feel that the strike is wrong timed since it comes just few months before the primary and secondary school final exams kick off. In reality this is punitive to the poor kids who are greatly in need of their teachers on their final lap. This strike will for sure have casualties come February when the KCPE and KCSE results are out. Which begs the question, are the students being used as collateral damage or just mere victims of circumstances caught up in a war between two giants.

Teachers are a very focal group of civil servants. Majority of us in nice jobs or speaking that flawless English owe a lot to our teachers. Apart from our parents, teachers are the main moulders of character, knowledge and morals. Personally I owe a lot to my former History Teacher and I remember holding her in awe whenever she strutted into class since I considered her to be quite rich considering she was a high school teacher. Years later reality on the plight of the teachers dawned on me when some of my friends took teaching jobs with the government and i saw copies of their pay slips. This changed my initial perception about the fat pay awarded to teachers.

They are a vital part of the society and for that they deserve a good pay. To make matters worse the teachers were promised an increment which to date has been ignored. I was talking to a disgruntled teacher who felt that the government has always forgotten them while still expecting them to to mould the Kenyan children into smart,wise and morally upright citizens. He claims that MPs earn hundreds of thousands with no clear legacy on the life of Kenyans like the Kenyans teachers do.When doing my research I came across different views on the strikes. According to Mwalimusmart a website dedicated to making the work of teachers and students simpler through online learning resources, harmonization of pay is paramount. "We cannot be equal in salaries scale but surely a teacher deserves a better deal ".

Today marks the second week of the strike and just like the other parts of the country, Thika has felt the effect of the strike. Many secondary schools have been forced to send their students home with many schools remaining closed. To be honest, the strike is biting. So what happens, how will the teachers react to the threat by the government to stop their pay if they don't return to work?. The teachers officials seem unmoved since they claim they cannot be given threats while at the same time be expected to be on the negotiation table.

The economy has been hard on the country and the teachers feels that they need to be empowered in terms of pay hikes just like the other civil servants. Reminds me, even trainee doctors at KNH are also on strike and as well, the university lecturers. What is going on in our beautiful country. I still love my country and believe that an amicable solution will be adopted to save our 2012 candidates. So, as the strike hits the second week I look forward to a positive communication from the government and the teachers officials that is fair to all parties.

picture courtesy of Google

Saturday 8 September 2012

Klub Image Thika: Grand opening of the The Newest Entertainment Joint in Thika

When talking of entertainment in Thika a lot comes into mind. Of particular mention is the Thika Night Life which to be honest is quite vibrant. Long time ago entertainment in Thika was all courtesy of Thika Vybester which was the ideal place to be. The last 10 years have seen a revolution with entrance of different hotels, pubs and discotheques. A night walk through Thika Town and the areas near Tuskys Chania reveals hundreds of residents and visitors dancing off their night with live Dj mixes being their favorites.
The entertainment is about to be pushed a notch higher with the entry of a world class entertainment destination. The klub which has been work in progress for the last one year will open its doors this Saturday and from the word on the street, entertainment in Thika will never be the same. Introducing to you Klub Image. The klub promises a dine, wine and dance experience that is unforgettable. For all sports lovers,dancers, ravers and diners the Klub official opening takes place today Saturday September 9th from 8.00PM til six o'clock in the morning.
Klub Image Thika is situated at Sunny House, Haile Selassie Avenue next to the Kenya Institute of Management near the famous Thika pork centre. The Klub promises a partying experience that is unrivaled in Thika. A visit to the the Klub this morning saw the Klub Image team making final touches to make sure the revellers get the ultimate Image experience.

There exists special treats for all ladies which the Klub promises is new on these parts of the equator. Well, the only way of confirming this is by attending the grand opening. The Klub has also initiated an online presence on facebook with the Klub image Thika Page and the Klub Image Grand Opening page.

And let the the action begin

Images courtesy of Google

Thursday 6 September 2012

Campus divas for rich men : Your Take!!

 The past one week has seen a lot of dust blown in the media about this group. Matter of fact the dust found its way into radio and TV media. Last week was the epitome of the affair and the whole affair refuses to disappear as fast as it came. The Facebook group has in the past weeks become the hottest story on the online media with stones being cast in all directions by supporters and critics as well. According to the administrator of the page, the sole aim is to connect campus girls to wealthy men in exchange for money. And yes, the admin claims to do exactly that.

But are the page's actions replicated into real life as the administrator claims?? 
What is its hold in the modern society? 

Are our college girls going too far or is just a mirror of the current society. The human body is considered a sacred sanctuary and by selling their bodies to these monied men, the girls are really demeaning themselves. Not everything revolves around money and there are better ways of getting the money. Oh, a great example would be looking for a job.
I believe the impatient nature of our young generation is one of the driving forces to such like actions. You will always find a rotten apple here and there but now that it has been consolidated into a movement, then we have a reason to worry. Matter of fact, the youth, beauty and glow that a girl has in campus will at the end disappear as those are the dynamics of growing old and well those same men will have moved elsewhere.
Its rather unfortunate since most of the photos appearing on the post belong to other internet users. We should all be cautious when posting our pictures online especially to those unsecured websites since they may land in the wrong hands and next minute you check you are on campus diva with a weird name like Sweet shish, exposing you to all kinds of criticisms. What makes the situation even worse is that Kenya does not have adequate laws guiding the usage of personal photos online.

This is an issue open to discussion. Others argue that the girls have the right to do whatever they want. I do agree with that notion. Even a thief has the right to do whatever he wants. But that does not change the fact that stealing is wrong. No matter how much these girls try to justify their actions, one thing remains clear and can never be changed. Their actions are WRONG! I know this is a tough position to take but it is the truth. They know it, we know it and everyone else knows it!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Wake up Lazy bone...............Am sorry

People are always different. In habits, behaviours and tendencies. But I always tend to wonder, "what is the most fulfilling, waking up early and retiring early or the vice versa?".  Over the years I have subscribed to both schools of thoughts with constant inclination to waking up late. But frankly is it more productive to wake up early and sleep early or just wake up at the usual 7.30 AM and rush for the next 30 minutes trying to beat the 8.00AM reporting time. This argurment is however compounded by different factors depending on ones personality, employment or residence.

After weighing the available options I concur with waking up early as the best direction for a young man and woman. Different entrepreneurs recommend early rising for different reasons. I consulted the experts for more light on this. Martin Muuri an author, motivational speaker and entrepreneur believes that waking up early gives one the freshness that helps to pre-plan and meditate on the day's plan. Mostly you have a busy day rushing from point A to B without the space and time to think and forecast on your life. However, early morning gives your body and brain the freshness to make the best decisions concerning your job, business and relationship. Martin Muuri recommends meditation in the morning to calm your usually distracted mind and sharpen your mental reflexes ahead of the busy day.
Early morning is the perfect time for exercise. The oxygen levels are high in the mornings than any time of the day. Having a jog or some aerobics constantly in the morning is the impetus for that fat loss and fitness. That's why you will always find me in a jogging group from5.50 AM to 6.30 AM from Pilot to Kiboko Thika. This gives me the freshness to start my day and with time I hope the Gracious Lord will give me the toned muscles I always dream of. Matter of fact, the jogging group is becoming larger every day and new members are always welcome.
Life is short, so they say.. I don't believe it, Life is very long especially when you wake up early. Most of us are acustomed to the noisy world of our towns, the cars hooting, the boda boda and taxi guys shouting and worse the usual matatu crews.
 However, early risers will concur with me that the only noise you will get in the morning are the beautiful birds chirping. Add that to the cool sunrise that takes place around 6 AM and you will get to understand while the earth is a beautiful place to be rather than the stressful world we are accustomed to. The charm found in the morning is inevitable and well, if you are not an early riser, then you got no idea of what am talking about.
Wake up early, find enough time to prepare for work, have a healthy breakfast and have enough time to drive, walk or ride to work. Your constant beef with the Human Resource Manager disappears and you become a more efficient and productive human being.
On the contrary, wake up late, have a 45 seconds shower, wear a green trouser with a yellow shirt since you never had enough time to plan, skip breakfast, arrive late and get a warning from HR, at 10 you are hustling to get mandazi since you are already hungry... Basically you have the perfect ingredients for a bad day...and worse off..a bad week/// And you wonder why you are having a bad life.

pictures courtesy of Google

Monday 3 September 2012

When Stuck: Keys to getting Unstuck

The simple version:
The Longer Version:
At one point or another, every person feels stuck!It might be a relationship issue, an emotional one, a financial one or any kind of issue. We often feel stuck after we have looked at a problem for so long that we have no other perspective on the issue.
So, what are we supposed to do when this stickiness comes???
I have asked myself this question many times over and thought I would share some of the things that help me get unstuck!Here we go....your guide to getting unstuck!!
  1. Do something else. If you have been looking at a problem too long, it is highly likely that you have lost perspective. The stickiness comes especially from worrying too much about a situation. So when you find yourself stuck, find something totally unrelated to do. For example, if you were analyzing your financial situation looking for solutions, go cook yourself something delicious. This will force your mind to change topic thus achieving a fresher perspective and line of thought.
  2. Sleep. I have often found that sleep helps resolve issues. If I feel stuck due to anger, sleeping helps relieve that anger and helps me feel a little better. While studying, feeling stuck is a common problem. However, a simple nap of as little as 20 minutes helps clear the mind thus relieving the stickiness.
  3. Write. I have often found myself super worried about things I want to do, those I've already done and those that I wish to change. I often get confused and the feeling of being stuck comes pretty quickly. However, writing down things makes it all easier. If you feel stuck, write stuff down. Make lists, draw graphs, make up maps, write stories about what is going on. Writing things down helps you see patterns which you had not seen before. It also simplifies things thus getting you unstuck.
  4. Research. Sometimes we get stuck due to lack of information. For example, let us say you want to start a Masters Program and you feel stuck because you do not know where to start. A little research into different universities, what they offer and their charges can push you in the right direction. After getting such information, the load feels lighter and it is easier to come up with a plan of action.However, it is important to sieve whichever information you get since too much information is often a cause for getting stuck leading you to the same problem you are avoiding.
  5. Just do it. Yes, that is another tip for getting unstuck. Have you ever felt stuck because you are afraid of taking the first step??Fear is paralyzing and is a very common source of getting stuck. So, when such a feeling comes, JUST DO IT! Get into action. Take the risk and move on with life since it is the only one you've got!!!