
Monday 6 August 2012

Kenya strikes Gold: The Kemboi dance

There is no worse feeling than anxiety. Waiting for that end month salary, that bright August sun that replaces the freezing July weather, that overdue pay rise or that elusive business deal. I guess the longest I have waited for something to happen has to be the past weekend. The media houses were all hyping about it but it was never happening. For two consecutive nights I slept at midnight waiting for it but it was not happening. But last night after 2 weeks it finally happened. Kenya did strike gold in the 2012 London Olympics..We have always taken the top 3 podium finishes in the 3,000m Steeplechase but a certain French guy did spoil the show.
It was sad that Brimin Kipruto had to fall but gladly he rose up and out of nowhere overtook more than 7 guys to finish fifth. It must be hurting that a guy can fall, rise up and still finish ahead of you..poor Italians. Am so sure he would have struck gold had the unfortunate not happened. And the winning dance? That must be the most memorable dance of the 2012 Olympics. Leave alone Usain Bolt, Ezekiel Kemboi dance has to be the winning performance. Someone should tell him that Sakata is back on Citizen TV and he should seriously contemplate auditioning.

I still think that the media has unduly exerted a lot of pressure on our athletes leading to undue over expectations from Kenyans. Fortunately Ezekiel Kemboi saved us the blushes and made our hearts warm all over again. After claiming two silvers and two bronzes the previous day, the ultimate prize had to be the Gold which Kemboi gladly brought home. I always find this Kemboi to be quite comic and he didn't disappoint. The best point had to be when, after exchanging his jersey with the Frenchman Mekhissi-Benabbad,he jumped over for a celebratory lift. Coming from the biggest competition in the world it was very touching and I bet the two guys are great friends.

It doesn't change the fact that we have to stop the Frenchman from spoiling our party at every major competition.
Talking of spoiling parties, the government should form a committe of experts to devise ways of dealing with this group. You have the party ready, the guests are all sitted, the food is served and  you are ready for action. But Alas, baby faced Dibaba and company storm the party take our gold and celebrate on our faces. That Dibaba girl really killed the 10,000m women race. Her sister did the same in the women marathon leaving our girls fighting for the silvers and bronze. Vivian Cheruiyot could not match this Dibaba but to me,she is still the champion. A friend was even jokingly suggesting that next time, we freeze Ethiopia of any aid until they learn to start respecting our parties. Ethiopia are our great friends and my Reggae brothers hold Addis Ababa in respect but we wont tolerate them snatching the gold from us. I bet coach Kirwa and the IAAF will restore the status quo
 We expect more medals and I insist gold in all our other specialities. David Rudisha, Pamela Jelimo, Milka Chemos, Asbel Kiprop and Kirwa in the men marathon will do exactly that.

Away from the track, one Prezzo did us proud in Big Brother Africa Stargame. In the final it was all abut Prezzo Vs Keagan of South Africa. Although Keagan walked away with the chums, Prezzo was the worthy winner and he fully deserved the prize. .The fact that he went to all those nominations and Africa chose him back, means that mama Africa held his presence in the house high. For all those who voted for him kudos and its great to learn that Prezzo never disappointed.
We would have loved to see the $ 300,000 coming to Kenya but yesterday was not our day. Reminds me, thats the farthest that any Kenyan contestant has ever gone in BBA. 91 days was a lot and for that, I vote Prezzo as the Kenyan personality of the week. Alex who nominated Prezzo twice for nomination must be feeling really embarrassed although it was just but a game. The BBA Stargame.
To all all my patriotic Kenyans..Have a wonderful week.

Images courtesy of Google

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