
Thursday 28 June 2012

Anyone thinking business: Why you should choose Thika

A story is told,i was amazed it was on TV the other day..There was this brother who had a small room with one computer. He deeply wondered how he could make good use of this computer . Obviously, he could have literary sold it and got instant cash. But he didnt..He wanted a project that would withstand the test of time and even though it wouldn't instantly convert to liquid cash..he could rely on the project in future. Talk of an entrepreneur. The story goes that he took a few students, divided up his day and started a computer college with one computer and in a single room. Currently we are talking of Jodan College of Technology in the heartland of the Thika Town with three campuses and more than 1000 students. I watched the story on Citizen TV in the movers and shakers segment and admired this great man.

Yesterday we looked at the analysis done by the World Bank in conjuction with the Office of the Prime Minister and noted that Thika is highly ranked when it comes to opening a business.
Those are the statistics and they are always derived from the reality on the ground. We will subsequently have a deeper look at the factors that make Thika ideal for business investment. For any entrepreneur or business person intending to open a new business or expanding to the Central Kenya region especially Thika town, this information will be valuable. We are breaking the ground for you making your feasibility study of the market more informative.

I remember when i was in Business School there was this professor who used to say "The best decision is the right decision. The next best decision is the wrong decision. The worst decision is no decision". I later came to know those were the words of Scott McNealy the famous Business entrepreneur who founded Suns Micrsystems but i still remember the old professor. But the questions remains, how do you make your decision to make sure its the best and the right one on  investing in Thika.
Proximity to customers
Thika is centrally located meaning that its the feeder town to more than 7 regions that form the basket of the central region, Kiambu County and Nairobi..Wait a minute before you raise an objection. The water consumed by majority of our friends in Nairobi originates in Thika. Ngethu Dam in Gatundu North and Ndakaini Dam in Gatanga are the main sources of water fed to the Nairobi Water & Sewerage Company. Thika Town as a commercial hub feeds Gatundu North (Kamwangi Region), Gatundu South, Juja, Ruiru,Gatanga, Kandara,Kakuzi and the Delmonte Region, Kilimambogo, Gatuanyaga and the Thika Road outskirts. I was amazed to see the other day, a Sacco had set shop in Thika Town and to my utter disbelief..Its for the Muranga County Region but they opened it in Thika which is Kiambu County. This means that majority of the business people in the Muranga regions are more at home in Thika..Well...thats a paradox. All the above regions rely on Thika as their commercial point. Its wort noting that all this regions produce different products which further diversifies the market creating more opportunities. When all these groups converge in this not the market you wanted.

The Thika Nairobi SuperHighway passes through our good town. Feeder roads to the Mt Kenya regions that feed the town are perfect for business. Those dealing with agricultural products can attest to this. This transport network boosts travel to all areas surrounding, Nairobi, Mwingi, Nakuru, Nyeri, Meru and nowadays Mombasa. A new crop of enterpreneurs are taking advantage of this by making daily trips to Mombasa to buy and sell stuff. The Chania and Channia Saccos have introduced daily trips to the Coast Region without going to Nairobi..900 bob only and you are in the Coastal Region
Government Restrictions
Many are the times that one will spot a nice investment opportunity in a town, have enough capital and the passion that completes the equation. However on the way you will find numerous hurdles in  form of licenses, bribe demanding civil servants, endless queues and bureaucracy....mpaka unaboeka. They frustrate your cause especially when you do not have a god father you just abandon the project. Well yesterday we noted that Thika has been given kudos for being the easiest place  to operate a business. Licences,permits,the environment...the list is endless
Availability of Housing, Communication and basic facilities
More than 15 Commercial Banks operate in Thika, more than 18 Insurance Companies, Tuskys and The Mater Hospital is in Thika,  and Nakumatt is on the way. What is my point..Thika has enough housing facilities to accommodate all these businesses and the ones intending to expand. Office suites, business spaces and stalls range from 5k to 50 k depending on the location, space and type of business. Clairbourn Towers, Alisa Plaza, Victory Plaza, New Kigio, Nellion Plaza, Equity Plaza, Thika Arcade and the upcoming Zuri Center...

On the residential side, the are numerous if not hundreds of flats around town and the outskirts depending one one's income scale. Thika is the only place you will get a bed sitter with hot water at 4500/= and a spacoius one bedroom at 7500/=. I bet my friends in Nairobi who pay 18k for a 1 bedroom in South B, Ruaka, Doni and Kasarani are turning green with envy..

Ati shida ya maji..Not in Thika. I frequent many towns and i cant help seeing people queing with yellow containers for water. The Municipal Council of Thika is up on that sector, i even forgot where i threw my containers that i used to queue with when i lived in Nairobi Eastlands. Na stima,well Kenya Power has a regional Office here and electicity is pap..
These are just a few of the factors that boost business in Thika and this blog with time will highlight the list conclusively. I wont promise anyone that if you invest in Thika you will get immediate returns but as many business people understand, business is like a marathon..and if so, Thika is the best track to run in..
Thika Live will occasionally bring the success stories of people who have invested in Thika and are not turing back. We will also keep you updated on the happennings on the ground to make sure you make your business choices with the right information..


  1. Good reporting very informative.keep up

  2. Good reporting very informative.keep up

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