
Saturday 30 June 2012

Get Ready for the Next Episode :Interview with Vizzy Vizzy

Yesterday we had the first segment of the interview with Vizzy Vizzy the top hypman and MC in Thika Town now working with Porkiez Club. Many people were quite surprised that Vizzy had a top credibility in the entertainment market..But i take that is his style..Laid back and all down to earth.
Well today we got a more personal chat and this was how it started.

Vizzy, How old are you?
Oh No..should you start with that?
Well i understand you have been in the industry for 9 years, so if i do my calculation... got me there. I fit between the 25 - 30 bracket. But i consider myself old enough to have seen things and can make the right decisions and still young to learn new things
Thats philosophical..What are the main challenges of your job?
For one my job is very involving and one that requires a personal touch. The key thing at Porkiez is to enlarge our clientele but must important we have to first retain the existing one. That requires a lot of marketing which in essence should be productive. Following up on this productivity is very involving but the good thing is i  love my job and enjoy it wholesomely.
There is the issue of the publicity especially from the ladies, how do you handle that?
When working in the entertainment industry either as a MC, Hypeman or a marketer you have to get used to the publicity. The first marketing tool that you never learn in any college is the value of a SMILE. This means you have to have a welcoming smile that makes the guests feel at home. However some female clients take the smile more personally and mistake it for something else.But with time i have known how to manage it by being friendly to all but still maintaining the line.
Today aint your best day...What is your relationship status?
Aint my best day by any standard, i knew that qustion was hovering somewhere and i know my peeps and fans cant wait to hang me in the evening. Well i handle relationships very differently due to the nature of my work. my relationships are very hidden from the public glare and especially the media.

Come on Vizzy..You can do better than that?
Come on bro..Well i have some some women in my life that i owe a lot. I highly regard  my mum who is the first lady in my life. My big siz introduced me to this game and i owe a lot to him. But there has to be a special lady out there who makes my heart warm..You know yourself 
What is the best moment in you career ?
The launch of divas remains the best moment since its a project i hold dear to my heart and from its success my morale is highly boosted. Reminds me, Divas Nite will happen the first Friday of July, thats next week. Cash prizes to be won for the best dressed diva.
And which is your lowest moment ?
I dont have a specific one but everytime anyone looks down on my job because it involves working in a Club or at night really weighs me down. You see the nature of the work, its time or environment cannot in anyway be used as the platform to judge them. But on the same there are some supportive poeple out there.
How have your parents take all this Hype-man, MC thing..First do they know who is a hypemaster
My family has always been my first fans and they have really supported my cause. I owe alot to them for the love and support. They highly understand my job and are one of my strongest pillars.
I understand Porkiez has a football team..
Yes we do have a football team that is made of our die customers and the staff. Its a very good way of freeing our minds from the daily routines and more importantly a way of striking a cord with our customers at a personal level. The team is a strong one and we are waiting to make some summer transfer signings and up is the direction we are heading
Funny..You even make transfer signings.. And who is the your favourite player on the team?
I hold the whole team with high esteem but i really laugh my ribs off when we are playing. Brother we have great players out there...great meaning kupigwa ma chobo..the goalkeepers are awesome and they know themselves. (Bursting in Laughter)
Personally Which are your favourite teams?
Locally am Thika United damu since its my home team..Internationally am a Manchester United die hard and i believe the Premier and UEFA are heading to Old Trafford next season.
Tell me something about the Children Home
The porkiez family has embraced corporate social responsibility and we work hand in hand with the Ark Childrens Home which we visit occassionally to donate foodstuffs. The last time we went there was a great moment and it really touched the Porkiez family. This is our way of giving back to the community.
What do you love about Thika
Thika is the only town i have lived in that has no water shortages.. Life in Thika is very affordable and secure. The only place that business picks as fast as it started and for investment its the best gamble. Thanks to you guys and the THIKA LIVE family, you are really putting that information out there. Kudos
Welcome Vizzy Vizzy Hypeman 237, MC, Events organiser and marketer, and....footballer Welcomeand thanks for your time
Asante sana Thika Live

Guys thanks for your time and we are not done. The whole weekend starting yesterday, THIKA LIVE will be at PORKIEZ to have a glimpse with Vizzy Vizzy doing his thing..Tomorrow we will run a photo gallery...You might as well find yourself there.

Friday 29 June 2012

One on One with Vizzy Vizzy-Thika's most popular HypeMaster

This week we have had a deep and insightful discussion about Thika and its business potential. Well today we are changing gears and relaxing our sleeves. No matter the day's happenings its always good to unwind. Some of us do golf (what?) others relax with a movie and once in a while you head to your favourite spot. Reminds me today its Friday and i know some peeps out there are PAID UP ..Sometimes i fit in the last group..the ones that head to a social gathering where food, drinks and music are served in one plate..This results in a lot of dancing, some staggering here and there and a headache on Saturday morning..That is the time you start wondering,was it worth the headache..well if that was the idea of fun and unwinding, then it served the purpose.

Sometimes you go to a spot where the food is nice, the drinks out of this world, the company great, the music awesome but the mood is not right..With time your mood is downed and since you dont seem to be enjoying your evening you troop out..Well in the entertainment Industry there is an expert whose work is to keep the clients on their toes,jumping,shouting their wind pipes dry (sounds familiar?) and waving their hair,dreadlocks,viparas {if u dont have shakeable hair) and hankerchiefs.These are commonly known as the Hype-men.

These are the guys that work hand in hand with the DJ to make the music more enjoyable..You will hear them shouting..mikono juu ya hewa...or introducing the latest dancing styles to the audience. In most cases they will double up as MCs where they will take charge of an occasion throughout the programme and make sure that the guests don't get bored. Its not an easy job especially coz many of us are afraid of masses especially those expecting you to say the right thing and keep them entertained. If the job is not well done,  be ready to get booed by the crowd which i think is not a good experience.

Today Thika Live features the top Hype man, MC, Event Organizer and Entertainment marketer in Thika
This guy is responsible for the biggest Bongo music celebrities that have graced Thika. He has also organized numerous beauty pageants in the Thika region in collaboration with other key stakeholders. He has Mceed in numerous celeb weddings and corporate events. The key marketing man at Porkiez Night Club. He is the face of its publicity department, making sure that the club remains the top entertainment spot in Thika. We introduce to you Vizzy Vizzy commonly known as 237 HYPE MAN. The ability of Porkiez to remain afloat as other joints open and close shop still remains a query. Well Thika Live had a one on one with Vizzy Vizzy and here is the first segment of the interview..

Just Give us a brief descrption of yourself
Am Vizzy Vizzy popularly known as the 237 hypeman. 237 just means Thika because thats the route number for all public vehicles plying the Thika Nairobi Route. Am a hypeman, Mc, Events Organiser and the Marketer for Porkiez Nightclub.
Thats a long list, how do you juggle all those in a 24 hour day?
Well it depends with the environment and the kind of people you are working with, plus your drive. For one i work in Porkiez Night Club which by all standards is the top spot in Thika and the Central Region. The people i work with are very supportive and good at their work: be it the Porkiez Management under the MD Shakie Wainaina, the DJs and the staff. They make working at Porkiez a good experience which really makes my work more enjoyable 
How long have you been on the scene?
I tumbled in the industry back in 2003 which makes it around 9 years
9 years thats a long time. What are your credentials in terms of the events and artists you have worked with?
Initially before i joined Porkiez Nightclub i worked in Tanzania with Respect Entertainment under Chief Kiumbe. Chief Kiumbe is the main promoter in Dar who is behind the success of Matonya, Prof Jay, TID, Hussein Machozi, MB Doggyman and the list is endless. He is the guy who makes sure that their songs translate to regional success and gigs. With Respect Ent. we managed to bring Matonya to Thika when his star was shinning the most. Many can remember the show he had at Blue Post Hotel back in 2008 which was the greatest show by a Bongo artist in Thika. We also brought MB Doggyman to the Vybstar Hotel in 2009.
On the local scene especially Thika region, what have been your main projects?
 The Miss & Mr Mount Kenya University Beauty pagents for 2004, 2005, 2006 are some of my main projects around Thika. The pagents were so successful since they really uplifted the profile of everyone who worked in those project. Well, I do Mcee at weddings and this has seen me taking charge of wedding events and other corporate events. There are times i shed the jeans to don the cutting suits esecially when dealing with corporates.
Currently what are you working on?
My current project happens to be the best i have ever worked on. Its called the Divas Nite and it premiers at Porkiez every first Friday of the month. Its the first one in town and its sucess so far is unimaginable.
Wait a minute, what Does Divas Night Entail?
Well, that Friday is reserved for the ladies whereby, the ladies don their best and sexiest evening wear. They then pose for the camera and then profiled on the Porkiez Facebook Wall which has more than 10,000 followers. The audience votes on their favourite of the contestants and the one with the highest number of likes receives a whole 10,000k and VIP treatment at Porkiez.
That's a new one..what do you have for the gentleman..Diva like..?
Well the majamaas gets to watch the ladies on Divas night..hahaha..Plus there is the karaoke Nite for those gentlemen with polished and mellow voices that can woo the ladies. But we never restrict on the voices, just bring your voice, no matter how rough it could be your breaking point.
How has it been working at Porkiez and what does a guest has to sample there? 
At porkiez, everday is a special day. There are times you will go to an entertainment spot on sunday Nite or Monday and find it virtually empty unless there is a soccer match. At porkiez we have events from Monday to Sunday. On Monday we have the East Africa Nite where we release the best African hits, Tuesday is the Karaoke Nite, Wednesday is Salsa Nite,Thursday is the Bursta Bubble formely known as the Bend Over Nite, Saturday is the Tango Nite and Sunday is the Wire Wire Nite which is dedicated to all reggae lovers. For Porkiez,everyday is different making sure we give our clients the best.
What do you have for the generation that is past the riddims and the heavy dancing till morning?
First, Porkiez is not all about music and dancing. We understand that not everyone comes to Porkiez for the Music and booze. There are those clients that are there to have a meal. On that context we offer exquisite dishes ranging from the best of white meat, best pilau in town, burgers and the menu is endless.
On the ground floor we have the ideal place for all Rhumba and Benga lovers. If you think riddims, Rock Music and House is not your favourite..then this is place to be since the deejays have well sampled Rhumba and Benga tunes.
Porkiez has been there since yester years and still you are the biggest crowd pullers in town : How do yo do it?
You see, you must be creative and innovative in business. Additionally management is very key to running any business. Lastly knowing your customers' needs and treating them with a personal touch finishes the equation. Under Shakie Wainaina the Managing Director at Porkiez we have the best boss. His management style is the reason the Porkiez theme is still afloat.
In most joints, there are VIP segments which are unreachable..well at Porkiez everyone is made to feel like a VIP. Porkiez is the only joint where the MD will casually approach a customer and chit chat with them. Its the only Spot you will receive a welcoming handshake by the bouncer at the door, a smile from the waiter or waitress and while having your drink receive a pat on the back from the MD.

Well that has been Vizzy Vizzy on a one on one about his work as a Hypeman, Mc and Marketer.
There are dozens of more questions about his expoits, personal life, dreams, relationships and how he handles the publicity. This will form our saturday segment tomorrow..Be sure to follow...
Plus we embrace the spirit of Thika and its good you bet there will questions about His Life In THIKA

You gotta love Thika

Thursday 28 June 2012

Anyone thinking business: Why you should choose Thika

A story is told,i was amazed it was on TV the other day..There was this brother who had a small room with one computer. He deeply wondered how he could make good use of this computer . Obviously, he could have literary sold it and got instant cash. But he didnt..He wanted a project that would withstand the test of time and even though it wouldn't instantly convert to liquid cash..he could rely on the project in future. Talk of an entrepreneur. The story goes that he took a few students, divided up his day and started a computer college with one computer and in a single room. Currently we are talking of Jodan College of Technology in the heartland of the Thika Town with three campuses and more than 1000 students. I watched the story on Citizen TV in the movers and shakers segment and admired this great man.

Yesterday we looked at the analysis done by the World Bank in conjuction with the Office of the Prime Minister and noted that Thika is highly ranked when it comes to opening a business.
Those are the statistics and they are always derived from the reality on the ground. We will subsequently have a deeper look at the factors that make Thika ideal for business investment. For any entrepreneur or business person intending to open a new business or expanding to the Central Kenya region especially Thika town, this information will be valuable. We are breaking the ground for you making your feasibility study of the market more informative.

I remember when i was in Business School there was this professor who used to say "The best decision is the right decision. The next best decision is the wrong decision. The worst decision is no decision". I later came to know those were the words of Scott McNealy the famous Business entrepreneur who founded Suns Micrsystems but i still remember the old professor. But the questions remains, how do you make your decision to make sure its the best and the right one on  investing in Thika.
Proximity to customers
Thika is centrally located meaning that its the feeder town to more than 7 regions that form the basket of the central region, Kiambu County and Nairobi..Wait a minute before you raise an objection. The water consumed by majority of our friends in Nairobi originates in Thika. Ngethu Dam in Gatundu North and Ndakaini Dam in Gatanga are the main sources of water fed to the Nairobi Water & Sewerage Company. Thika Town as a commercial hub feeds Gatundu North (Kamwangi Region), Gatundu South, Juja, Ruiru,Gatanga, Kandara,Kakuzi and the Delmonte Region, Kilimambogo, Gatuanyaga and the Thika Road outskirts. I was amazed to see the other day, a Sacco had set shop in Thika Town and to my utter disbelief..Its for the Muranga County Region but they opened it in Thika which is Kiambu County. This means that majority of the business people in the Muranga regions are more at home in Thika..Well...thats a paradox. All the above regions rely on Thika as their commercial point. Its wort noting that all this regions produce different products which further diversifies the market creating more opportunities. When all these groups converge in this not the market you wanted.

The Thika Nairobi SuperHighway passes through our good town. Feeder roads to the Mt Kenya regions that feed the town are perfect for business. Those dealing with agricultural products can attest to this. This transport network boosts travel to all areas surrounding, Nairobi, Mwingi, Nakuru, Nyeri, Meru and nowadays Mombasa. A new crop of enterpreneurs are taking advantage of this by making daily trips to Mombasa to buy and sell stuff. The Chania and Channia Saccos have introduced daily trips to the Coast Region without going to Nairobi..900 bob only and you are in the Coastal Region
Government Restrictions
Many are the times that one will spot a nice investment opportunity in a town, have enough capital and the passion that completes the equation. However on the way you will find numerous hurdles in  form of licenses, bribe demanding civil servants, endless queues and bureaucracy....mpaka unaboeka. They frustrate your cause especially when you do not have a god father you just abandon the project. Well yesterday we noted that Thika has been given kudos for being the easiest place  to operate a business. Licences,permits,the environment...the list is endless
Availability of Housing, Communication and basic facilities
More than 15 Commercial Banks operate in Thika, more than 18 Insurance Companies, Tuskys and The Mater Hospital is in Thika,  and Nakumatt is on the way. What is my point..Thika has enough housing facilities to accommodate all these businesses and the ones intending to expand. Office suites, business spaces and stalls range from 5k to 50 k depending on the location, space and type of business. Clairbourn Towers, Alisa Plaza, Victory Plaza, New Kigio, Nellion Plaza, Equity Plaza, Thika Arcade and the upcoming Zuri Center...

On the residential side, the are numerous if not hundreds of flats around town and the outskirts depending one one's income scale. Thika is the only place you will get a bed sitter with hot water at 4500/= and a spacoius one bedroom at 7500/=. I bet my friends in Nairobi who pay 18k for a 1 bedroom in South B, Ruaka, Doni and Kasarani are turning green with envy..

Ati shida ya maji..Not in Thika. I frequent many towns and i cant help seeing people queing with yellow containers for water. The Municipal Council of Thika is up on that sector, i even forgot where i threw my containers that i used to queue with when i lived in Nairobi Eastlands. Na stima,well Kenya Power has a regional Office here and electicity is pap..
These are just a few of the factors that boost business in Thika and this blog with time will highlight the list conclusively. I wont promise anyone that if you invest in Thika you will get immediate returns but as many business people understand, business is like a marathon..and if so, Thika is the best track to run in..
Thika Live will occasionally bring the success stories of people who have invested in Thika and are not turing back. We will also keep you updated on the happennings on the ground to make sure you make your business choices with the right information..

Wednesday 27 June 2012

DOING BUSINESS IN KENYA: Thika ranked among the best

In October 2008, the World Bank Group in conjuction with the Office of the Prime Minister and the Kenya Local Government Reform Programme launched the Sub National Business Project. The objective of this programme was to derive indicators that would be used to develop intervention measures for strengthening the Kenyan Local government sector. World Bank has commenced such programmes across the globe with the findings used to rank countries on the ease of doing business on their different cities.

I have always believed that the true capability of Thika is under estimated. Occasionally its due to misinformation or sheer ignorance. Frequently you will get scores migrating from Nyeri, Nakuru and other towns across Kenya to go to the capital city Nairobi seeking employment or to open a businesses. But do you know that Nairobi has  one of the highest rent rates in the country. According to the World Bank survey since 2008, Nairobi lags behind Narok, Thika, Malaba in starting and registering a business. It is more difficult to start a business in Kilifi, Isiolo and welll...Nairobi. Lets imagine you want to start a stall, chemist or simply a low income hotel in Nairobi..where do you start, where do you get an empty shop or stall, who do you consult in the city with hundreds of con men waiting to feast on the new business people. Those who have visited City Hall for a permits can attest to the queues. Am not discrediting the City Hall in any way but just analyzing the World Bank findings.

Doing business in Kenya Research Program undertakes an analysis in four key components namely, starting a business,dealing with construction permits,registering property and enforcing contracts. Thika records a 1,7,3,7 performance against 11 cities selected for the pilot phase of the World Bank Survey..This gives it number 3 only below Narok and Malaba border. It beats key towns like Nairobi, Kisumu, Nakuru, Mombasa and Nyeri hands down. Well in the Sub Saharn Africa region, Thika is ranked number 8 in the number of procedures required in starting a new business.
Its worth noting that the Thika - Super Nairobi Highway is now 97 % complete and in a few months will be officially opened. From a business sense its a great advantage for Thika Town. Occassionally when starting business one needs to charter to Nairobi for services which are not yet in Thika. Filing for details with the Attorney General office at Sheria Office and approval of Company's Name with the registrar of Comapnies requires one to go to Nairobi..Well Nairobi is 150 bob and 25 minutes away. This means that with 300 bob and 50 minutes you can afford a to and fro "flight" to Nairobi.
Fortunately all other requirements can be obtained from Thika..Why...Thika has a KRA Regional Office, A Ministry of Lands, NHIF, NSSF, and a fast and competent Municipal Council..And if you need to pay Stamp Duty ,there are more than 15 commercial Banks operating with Commercial Bank of Africa being the latest entrant. National Bank of Kenya and Oriental Commercial Bank are just setting shop..
This means that capital is just metres away since many banks are opening doors to the emerging crop of entrepreneurs.. It really pains when ones sees high end private developers invading the town to capture the numerous investment opportunities in the town while young entrepreneurs and youth groups watch.
The difference between the private developers and the young intellectuals is that we have not realized the numerous opportunities and ease of doing business in Thika..These developers have taken advantage of the quick and easy process of setting shop in Thika and its emerging markets..Tomorrow we will have a look at these markets as we seek to sensitize the youth and the business community on this exciting market..Be sure to follow this discussion as we try to unlock the towns business potential and opportunities.
Statistics courtesy of doing

Monday 25 June 2012

Thika Live:..Shots from the Weekend


 It is definitely a truly beautiful town!!!Enjoy the week ahead!

Friday 22 June 2012

Are you busy this Saturday..Well lets play soccer...

A month ago, Chelsea FC courtesy of Dider Drogba (He is now in China, not building roads but playing soccer)snatched the UEFA Champions League from the hands of Robben and Friends (read Bayern United )...This became the last game of the calendar that threw many football fans especially the foreign club followers into the soccer cold. On the African calendar the Kenyan premier League halted to pave way for the African Cup of Nations and World Cup qualifiers...
 Sadly the Francis Kimanzi Boys were whipped proper by Namimbia and Togo and the only home game, we drew with Malawi -a better composed team than ours that day..Well currently we are enjoying the Euros and for the majority of us..DSTV in our homes is welllll..quite a luxury especially now that your gas cylinder has started giving a bluish flame meaning that you need a spare 1500/= to refill. Unfortunately,  i don't think that K-Gas promotion where you take your small gas, top up and you get a bigger one is still viable..Within a week the Euros will be done and the soccer cold gets in again..
Fortunetly the Kenyan Premier League is back..Begs the question? which is your team ? Gor Mahia (very noisy) AFC (Isikuti Boys), Sofapaka (Batoto ba Mungu )..the list is endless..
But the most important team..THIKA UNITED..With the return of the Kenyan Premier League, its of utmost importance that we get the groove back and know a thing or two about our home team. Thika United homeground is the Thika Municipal Stadium while Brookside Dairy are our proud sponsors..Yes you know him..John Kamau populary known as Kamah is the Head coach..
Stephen Waruru..sounds familiar.He was the premier Leaugue top scorer in the 2010 - 2011 season..Unfortunetly he wore the red Ulinzi FC uniform..However, Waruru is a product of Thika United a team he turned up for before joining Ulinzi..Due to the youth programs that Thika United has initiated with numerous Secondary Schools and Soccer Academies in the region. Each season the team has new breeds of players who ensure that Thika remains represented in the Kenyan Premier League.
Currently the team is in position five, 6 points below the league leaders. The team has played a total of 11 matches with only three losses..The Premier League co-top scorer is Thika United captain Kepha Aswani..Well, some good news for our home team is that Kepha premiered for the National team Harambee Stars in the draw against Malawi which is a proud step ( kudos Kepha).
Where will you be tommorrow...Hauna mpango?
Thika United 2 - City Stars 0.
Thats just my prediction..Well kesho from 3 PM Thika United will entertain (kuwanyeshea) City Stars at our homeground. Our squad is ready and so are the fans. Make a point of cheering our home team to make sure we snatch those 3 vital points. Clifford Miheso, Kepha Aswani, Moses Arita, Kahata mwenyewe, Francis Chege......the list is endless..

Those are the great talents that Thika United enjoys. This blog believes that The Thika community is a fan base enough to rival Gor Mahia and Kogallo..Otherwise how can a team come to our town and paint the whole town green with their team colours while we have our own blue colours to support the team?..I occasionally see those beautiful ladies with cute dimples and colourful shades that follow Gor Mahia and Sofapaka and i wonder..What the HELL..Thika ladies are ten times more beautiful..well its not too late to join the train..Lets head to Stadiii tomorrow and if busy that day..make sure you attend 4 games this season
My prediction has now changed..Thika United 4 City Stars 0..Aswani (14, 28, 74,88).
Lets all celebrate with a dance...kamata aaah..kamataa eehhh..

Pictures courtsey of google

Thursday 21 June 2012

Sit back and enjoy...courtesy of Quest Entertainment

Ok friends and followers, yesterday we introduced you to Quest Entertainment and their great work in making sure your evenings and weekends remain busy with a movie or a series. Today we give a sneak peek at some of the good selection you can have..We have stand up comedies, family comedies, action movies, epic series, conspiracies, documentaries,animations and to top the list your best of reality shows...I once went to Kenya Cinema and a ticket was a wholesome 400...What? movie moja pekee....


Ok friends..that is just a short preview of what is on offer..very clear and nice movies to unwind your evening. 
All thanks to Quest Entertainment.

Quest Entertainment
MGT Building below Thornton Pub
Contacts 0721545875
pictures courtesy of Google images